Welcome to the official Go!Animate Channel Website!

Hi There, Welcome to our website! This is Go!Animate Channel's offiial website, we are the announcers and creators of Go!Animate Channel, we make sure that all tv shows and movies run suitably and properly, We also are runned by the go!animate building in China, we make kid suitable shows for everyone all ages, and We always make sure we don't make content that might scare some children.
At Go!Animate Channel.com, we make sure all the games and videos run nice and smothly. We have been liked by over 10,000 cartoon lovers young and old. Our plan in the future is to be loved more and more, because we already have 29% on rotten tomattoes and 100% on metic ritic, so please, like us on google, twitter, facebook, and youtube, and also like us on Go!Animate and Go!Animate For Schools, and be sure to watch our TV channel on DirectTV, Xfinity, Dish Network, and Life Is Good (L)